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Contracting & Procurement

Conduct contracting & procurement with confidence

Contracting and procurement can be complex to navigate without adequate expert support, especially for public sector organizations subject to complex rules.

Having worked on thousands of transactions over decades of experience, LXM LAW has built a team with a depth of expertise in the law and practice of contracting and procurement capable of meeting all of your contracting and procurement needs.

Common sense professional services

Whether you’re running a competitive procurement process, analyzing a contract for risks or industry standards, in negotiations, or managing your contract documents, our seasoned professionals are here to help.

Reduce your dependence on lawyers and consultants

LXM LAW has developed DIY tools for contracting and procurement, including templates designed to support all your contracting requirements.

DIY tools means you can get the job done yourself without over-reliance on outside professionals. That’s a good thing.

Contract and procurement law advice tailored to your requirements

Contact us today to take advantage of expert advice for all your contracting and procurement needs.

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